
Sunday, November 2, 2014

2 Liebster Award!

image from tumblr words by me

Wow 2 Liebster award :O gosh you guys are amazing. First I want to thank Lou from naturallybeige for nominating me also Poppy from heypoppymay thanks girls!

Here are my lovely questions. I combined the questions.

1.) What inspired you to start your blog, and has it turned out to be what you thought it would be?

My best friend in the whole world inspired me to write my blog. Katie from nerdybeautifulunique I saw how much fun she was having and I though it would be great to start a blog. Blog has become so much more then I ever thought it would be. I have made so many great friends from blogging and I never knew how nice and friendly the blogging community was.

2.) If you could live one day from your past again, what would it be?

I would definitely go back to my childhood. Those were the best times of my life and I miss not being a kid but I guess we all do sometimes.

3.) What’s the story behind your blog name?

There's not really a story behind my blog name. I just randomly came up with it. I guess because I'm pretty awkward and don't have many friends that's why. I think we all are kind of awkward in our own way though. What's life like without a little awkwardness. :D

4.) What’s your go-to item during Autumn?

Lotion because my hands get soooo dry haha.

5.) Which blogs inspire you?

That is so hard but a few blogs at the moment that inspire me are daintyowl and lovefrombe.

6.) What is the one thing you need with you while on the go?

Hand sandtizer my OCD just won't allow it.

7.) Gold or silver?


8.) Beauty product you can’t live without?

Mascara or concealer I can't choose.

9.) If you could speak to your past self, what would you say?

Don't be afraid to be yourself and go out of your comfort zone.

10.) What’s your favorite type of post to write, and why?

I like tags, and lifestyle posts because I think you learn a lot more about a person in those posts.

11.) Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

I see myself finished with college and having a job that I love. I hope to still be blogging too.

12.) What's your favorite thing about blogging?

I really love to write the posts and then have people leave really nice comments When someone leaves a comment I just feel so happy.

13.) What do you do when you're not blogging?

When I'm not blogging I write stories and hang out with friends.

14.) Who your favorite blogger/youtuber and why?

I don't really have a favorite but I do have a lot that I really like. In question 5 those are some of the blogs that inspire me.

15.)  How do you come up with blog posts?

I usually get inspiration from others.

16.) Favorite fashion trend of 2014?

I don't really know what my favorite trend of 2014 trends usually repeat themselves. So I don't really know what's in this year.

17.) Favorite beauty product of 2014?

Wet N Wild lipsticks

18.) Favorite store and why?

Bath and Body Works because it always smells so good in the store you never want to leave.

Hope you liked it again I would like to again thank Lou and Poppy for nominating me.


Maddy from unstitchedd
Jess from wheresmylipstick
Abi from myw0rldmyview
Crystal from latelywithcrystal
Bella from missbellablogs
Bryony from lifeslittleadventures205
Morgan from strawberrybloggings
Emily from teand0nuts
Meghan from gotmeghan
Elizabeth from elizabethslifestylediary
Emma from thefashion-six
Jessica from the.pyreflies

Here are your questions:

1.) What made you want to start blogging?
2.) Favorite makeup product/brand?
3.) What's your favorite song right now?
4.) Why do you like blogging?
5.) Decide yourself in one word
6.) Favorite movie?
7.) What is one celebrity that inspires you and why?
8.) Favorite perfume scent?
9.) Blogges that inspire you?
10.) Favorite store?

Hope you liked the post!

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