
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Would You Rather Beauty Edition!

1.) Would you rather cut off all your hair or never get it cut again?

I would probably never get in cut again because I love my long hair.

2.) Would you rather always wear clothes that are too big or too small?

Too Big because there would always be extra room and they would be prefect for those lazy days.

3.) If you were given $1000 dollars would you rather spend it on clothes or makeup?

Makeup I love makeup to the point where I could spend a solid hour looking at the makeup section in the store.

4.) Would you rather never pluck your eyebrows or never shave again?

Never shave my leg because come on it just a choice we all hate to do.

5.) Would you rather use one eyeshadow color or one lipstick color for the rest of you life?

On eyeshadow because I like the keep my makeup pretty simply.  I love trying out new lipstick colors. 

6.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?

Nail polish because I don't always use nail polish only in the summer.

I tag whoever wants to do this tag Also I hoped you liked it!

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