
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Back To School Essentials!

It's that dreaded time of the year where school starts up again. Honestly who wants to go back after 3 months summer. Where you can wake up whenever and do whatever you want. I sure don't but these are some things that I think and a must for school this year!

Hand Sanitizer 

You will definitely need hand sanitizer because it's just quick and easy. You can just disinfect our hands without having to run off the the bathroom to wash them.

Hand Lotion

For those cold winter days where your hands are cracking. Also you can use it for you arms and legs as well. As scented one is good to have so your hands smell good and your ready to work.


This is a MUST I don't know how many times I haven't had any. Baby lips with be prefect because it's cheap and comes in tons of different shades.


Gum is so good to have. It helps me relax and force when I'm doing my work or taking a test. And if it's mint it will give you an extra boost.

Mascara and Lipstick Duo

These are perfect and small. You don't have to carry around tons of different things you have it in one. This one is from Clinique but I'm sure you can find a cheaper alternative. The lipstick is a pale bright pink. This is perfect for on the go and if you want add some color to your lips.

Hope you liked my School essentials hopefully these add going to school a little less horrible. Let's make this year a good year.

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