
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saying Goodbye To Dorothy

Dorothy is one of my favorite bath melts from Lush. When I heard they were discounting it I was heartbroken. I actually was more like in denial. It was one of the very first bath melts I tried from Lush and fell in love with the first time I picked it up.

Dorothy is one of those unique bath melts that smells like no other one from Lush. To me it smells like men's cologne. Also it's a very fresh calming smell that is super relaxing. It turns to the water a dark blue or light turquoise depending how much you use and makes tons of bubbles. A little goes a long way with this bath melt. It leaves your skin super soft and hydrated. So sad to see this bath melt go.

What are you sad to see Lush discontinue? 


  1. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! I had no idea they were discontinuing this one! That's so sad! I'm always sad that the Christmas shampoo is just for Christmas. So unfair...

    Cristina, xo // My Cup of Tea

    1. I know right I'm so sad to see this bath melt go. :'(


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