
Friday, March 18, 2016

Me Working Out??

If you follow me on Twitter then you know I have been working out for the past couple of weeks. Which is weird because I don't like any physical exercise whatsoever. But I have gone to the gym also everyday and I can't tell you how much happier and healthier I feel. Of course I don't do anything to crazy when working out. I took it slow in the beginning and now I'm building up my strength. 

I don't do an heavy lifting with my arms because I don't want my arms to be sore the next day. I mostly work on my legs and abs which is a great workout for me. I'm not a expert at working out but I just follow what works for me and do it every day adding weight as I go. 

I take a friend which makes it that much better. We both never worked out before so were both in the same boat. I always have someone to talk to and it doesn't get boring. We make it fun and laugh at ourselves a lot. Which is great because we don't have to push ourselves too much.

Working out was the best decision I made. It gets me moving and staying healthy. Also it's fun!


  1. I'm trying to get more into my fitness and Ive started doing an exercise DVD. I can't believe how much happier being healthy has made me feel already! xx



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