
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

He's a Cheater

image from tumblr

If you follow me on twitter then you would know about a guy that broke my heart. Well kind of. He used me when he had a girlfriend. Which makes him a cheater. I'm glad nothing happened besides a couple kisses and just talking because I think that would have broken my heart more than it did. I don't regret spending time with him and I don't hate him. I feel sorry for him that he has to use girls and that he probably won't find a healthy relationship with someone.

It made me realize that I want a guy that treats me right and I'm the only girl for him. I wanna find a guy that treats me right like I am his whole world. That I shouldn't settle for anything less than for a guy that will spend time with me and take my places. A guy that will love me with all of his heart and that respects me.

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